Studio Student Policies
Please note the following guidelines regarding all classes:
- We request that students carefully observe our dress code outlined on our website.
- Any student arriving more than 15 minutes late will not be admitted to class. For your safety and to receive full benefit from your class, please arrange for a make-up class if you expect to be very late.
- All students are encouraged not to leave the room once class has begun. Please allow for appropriate restroom use prior to class. Very young children will be treated sensitively as the need arises. If a parent is needed to assist, we will call or text you in the parking lot. We make every effort to have all children feel safe and cared for in a loving and inspiring learning environment.
- School age children and teens: please practice respect. Students are not to be socializing in a disruptive manner during the class with other students. Please come early or stay late to enjoy friends in the waiting area. Please respect your teacher and fellow students by giving full attention and co-operation. You will be advised if we feel any student is not well adjusted to the classroom environment for any reason over time.
- During class if a student complains of being ill, or sustains an injury and cannot participate, the instructor will send them to the front desk and the parents will be notified.
- Only students with a pre-existing injury are allowed to observe class. Sick students will be sent home.
- The lobby is closed to parents and siblings unless you have a question for the front desk. We have limited lobby space and it is needed for dancers in between classes. If it’s your child’s first dance class and they are in pre dance through level 2, parents can stay in the lobby but not the studio rooms.
- Dance class is education and fun, however, an important part of class work is developing an attitude of discipline and respect for teachers and fellow students. We trust that following our classroom etiquette will provide an environment whereby classes at AE Dance Productions will be a pleasure for all concerned.
General Policy
- Upon registration, a $35 registration fee per family will be due along with the first month’s tuition payments. The registration fee helps offset the cost of our office administration and supplies.
- The studio calendar and tuition rate is designed over a ten-month period from September to June. For your convenience, this yearly tuition amount is broken down into ten equal monthly installments. The installments are not relative to the number of classes offered in any given month. Due to the calendar and school vacations, some months offer as many as 5 classes, while others may offer 3.
- All Lessons are paid for in advance, due the 1st of each month. You will receive a bill prior to the due date of tuition. Late notices will be emailed to all past due accounts. There will be a $25 added charge for any account not paid in full by the 10th of the month. This charge will continue to be added each month that month's tuition payment remains late. For example, if October's tuition is not paid by November 10th, an additional $25 late charge will be assessed for October.
- Our preferred method of payment is auto debit. However, we accept Cash, Check, Money Order, Visa, MasterCard, or Discover.
- There will be a $25 returned check charge for all checks returned from the bank.
- Any student with an overdue balance of more than 90 days will not be allowed into class until payment in full is received or payment arrangements have been made.
- Family discounts described in the tuition schedule are for immediate family only.
- AE Dance Productions management will have the final decision regarding family discount eligibility. All accounts with AE Dance Productions have one primary account holder. This is the account holder that registers online and complete the registration agreement. This account holder will be the one considered financially responsible for the account. All arrangements for split payments must be made outside of AE Dance Production.
- Payments will always be applied to outstanding balances first before being applied to current or future charges.
- Tuition and other fees are non-refundable and non-transferrable.
- There will be no refunds or deductions for lessons missed. Make-Up Classes are available within one month of class missed. In the event of a serious medical injury, a request may be made for class tuition to be credited. Approval at the discretion of the Director. If we are forced to close due to inclement weather, students are welcome to make-up classes. Please understand that we cannot be responsible for acts of Mother Nature. Snow days do not affect your monthly tuition.
- By registering, all parents and/or guardians agree to hold harmless from any and all liability AE Dance Productions, its officers, employees and contractors both in their professional capacity and personally for all injury or illness resulting from or in any way connected with his/her participation in the classes, activities or special events at the studio. AE Dance Productions assumes no responsibility for lost, misplaced, or stolen articles. Please put your name in all your belongings.
- I grant permission to the staff of AE Dance Productions to take first aid or emergency measures as judged necessary for the care and protection of my child while under the supervision of the studio. In case of medical emergency, I understand that my child may be transported to an appropriate medical facility by the local emergency unit for treatment if the emergency unit deems it necessary. I understand that in some medical situations the staff will need to contact the emergency resource before the child’s parent, physician, and or other person acting on the parent’s behalf, however, every attempt to contact the parent first will be made. I also understand and agree that the child’s parents or legal guardians shall be responsible for any expenses incurred.
- Upon registration I will review and agree to the AE Dance Production Liability Policy and Model release policy.
- We have two recitals per year. Recitals are required for Voltage team member and optional for non-team members. You must notify our front desk if you do not want to participate in recital.